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发表于 2008-12-10 11:31:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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卧龙岗Wollongong是澳洲著名的旅游观光城市。就在这里,崎岖陡峭的绝壁筑成海上堡垒, 掩蔽的海湾,碧蓝的海水、金沙闪闪的海滩,如画美景,一望无际。还有富有特色的活动,带您饱览沿海风光的Grand Pacific Drive和顶级的住宿环境。卧龙岗冬天气温很少低于10度,夏天在26-30度之间,全年适宜游泳、划艇和冲浪。

Grand Pacific Drive从皇家国家公园开始,这是世界上历史第二悠久的国家公园。皇家国家公园的尽头,在Grand Pacific Drive和Bald Hill交接点。Bald Hill是俯瞰卧龙岗海港风光的最佳地点,也是高空滑翔爱好者的天堂。著名的Lawrence Hargrave的第一次飞行地点就在这里。Grand Pacific Drive的下段驾在沿海的悬崖峭壁之上,连接了卧龙岗海岸从南到北如诗如画的乡村小镇,公路下面便是广阔无边的南太平洋。北卧龙岗海岸村以纯净的海滩,美丽的岩池,独特的手工和艺术,一级棒的垂钓和冲浪地点以及优雅的餐厅而闻名。当Grand Pacific Drive通向卧龙岗熙熙攘攘的城市,不计其数的冒险活动、美丽的海滩,琳琅满目的购物地点、餐馆、咖啡馆、高尔夫球场, 艺术画廊等等便争相跃入您的眼帘。

[ 本帖最后由 wendywang 于 2008-12-10 16:48 编辑 ]


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发表于 2008-12-25 16:23:57 | 只看该作者

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Parish of Wollongong County of Camden

There are many conflicting suggestions about the meaning of the name Wollongong.

1. The meaning of the word, according to positive information handed down traditionally from a great-niece of Dr Throsby, is "the sound of the sea". The word was pronounced Woll-long-gong, the second syllable being accented, and is supposedly onomatopoeic for the pounding and surging of the waves.

2. An expression of surprise and fear uttered by the aborigines when they first saw a ship in full sail. This has been rendered as "see! The monster comes". According to this view the original word was actually pronounced "Nywoolyarngungh".

3. Wollongong has also been thought to be from "Wol-lon-yuh" meaning "sound of the sea". Other versions of the word are "Wolonya, "Wollonga" and "Woolyunyal".

4. "Woollungah" is the correct aboriginal name for Wollongong, according to Aboriginal Billy Saddler (of "Nioka" Port Kembla). Woollungah means a place where a marriage took place between the son of one great king and the daughter of another great king, long before Captain Cook found this country. The word also means that there was a great feast of fish and other good things at the wedding, which was such a remarkable event that the place was named after it. The name has also been spelled "Wullungah".

6. Some other suggested meanings are: hard ground near water; song of the sea or sound of the waves; many snakes.

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